Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to figure out the fixed income part of some cash that's been "under the mattress" for a while.Ideally it would generate some income or dividends not just capital appreciation. I'm open to mutual fund ideas, ETFs,municipal bonds, and maybe closed end funds, but the fees on CEF's seem hidden and complicated. So far my reading suggest:
shorten up on duration to avoid interest hike risk!
watch out for credit risk!
currency hedged international bonds
multi-sector bonds
municipal bonds
I'm open to any ideas that are lower risk, capital preservation based.
Thanks for your advice,
Manager Commentary:
M* High Yield Fund Returns: http://news.morningstar.com/fund-category-returns/high-yield-bond/$FOCA$HY.aspx
You cannot get any dividend worth the effort without risking capital loss though.
Market neutral.
Short-term high yield
I like very much BERIX and AOK, but both have a good chunk in equities.
Turned-up a pretty good list of options:
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