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JMUTX Janus Strategic Income and Doubleline Flexible Income

JMUTX may now be available for purchase. Is there a symbol for Doubleline FLexible Income? Any opinions yet on these two, what appear to be, multi-sector bond funds?


  • JMUTX us Janus Multi Sector Bond Fund. From the Janus website:
    "Seeks Consistent High Current Income: Multi-sector portfolio seeks to identify the best income-generating opportunities across fixed income sectors, including up to 65% in below investment grade bonds. The strategy uses a bottom-up, fundamentally driven process that is focused on credit-oriented investments."

    Up to 65% junk, not for me.
  • The only Janus fund worth holding on to is Perkins Value + Income IMO. It combines the expertise of two parties that have some credibility left at Janus.
  • DLFRX/DBFRX. There's the tickers. DoubleLine "Floating Rate Fund."
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