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Another Commentary on Bitcoins.


  • Thanks, John,

    This is pretty much the way I've always felt. Sounds good, but explain to me the value. I have little love for fiat currencies. Elected officials (present company excluded) cannot resist the ability to spend more than they receive. It's not backed with anything other than the good faith and trust we place in Washington (or London, Rome, etc.)

    Isn't the bitcoin simply an extension of this to another level? It's only backed by the trust of the people who trust it.



  • edited February 2014
    It goes back to the first rule of investing, if you don't understand it, don't put money into it. I also have never understood Bitcoins.

    There is a paragraph in the linked article that says, “We are shocked to learn about Mt. Gox’s alleged insolvency,” the foundation said in an e-mailed statement.

    "I'm Shocked Shocked that there's gambling going on here."

    Good to hear from ya rono.
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