...........for ya young'ins, this was a Coke company theme song during the era when 8 track music tape players were still being used.
However, I digress. This is a bitch box note; of the little perversions that creep their way(s) into our lives; probably through the follies and trade agreements in DCland. Technically, this is investment related !
I was a letter writer to the state (MI) politico's back in the day and an original petition presenter in the early 70's to set the law in place to have a deposit placed upon common beer and pop/soda glass bottles so they didn't continue to be thrown alongside the roads.
Next, were local recycle centers. And now we have curbside recycle every two weeks.
That all worked out well.
Today, I wander into the local Family Dollar store and before leaving decide to have a Coke, which is rare for me.
I opened the cooler door near the checkout and placed the Coke bottle onto the countertop. Hmmmm. A tall glass bottle with the old style cap, I mentioned this in passing to the clerk and he said that there was an opener on the cooler. I noted that I would be opening this at home and still have a "church key". I did tell him that I thought this style of bottle was a poor choice for sale, as someone buying this to drink later in their vehicle would not have an easy time with popping the cap away; and 99% of buyers either unscrew a plastic top or open a poptop on the metal cans.
End of that story.
Five minutes later, I am home. For some reason I look at the small register receipt for the Coke and the item line states: "Mexican Coke". Sure enough. A product of Mexico label and a no return/deposit indicated.
SO, how is it that Coke may bottle this product in Mexico and sell it in Michigan, which has a soda/pop deposit law in place, and yet sidestep this law? Now, I will be able to place this in the glass recycle, but what the heck.
There was a Coke bottling site in our area about 15 years ago, and that was consolidated somewhere else in a nearby state. I will now suppose that Coke has shuttered that site, too; and the work all went to Mexico.
Where we live is just a bit south of the halfway point to the north pole and one helluva truck drive from Mexico to Michigan. Ah, hell; the transport was probably on Warren Buffet's train; and then delivered by unknowing union truck drivers in Michigan.
I don't have enough spare time to write this; but I will do my best to ask some questions of others involved, as to how this situation exists. Sadly, many of these non-returnable bottles will again litter the roadsides. Hopefully, the U.S. bottling plant workers found a better job, OR perhaps they moved to Mexico to continue their work.
I just "heart" free trade via NAFTA, GATT and the secret court of appeals for these areas, via the WTO.
Have a wonderful and COKE-FREE day/week/year. I do protest, and will be able to boycott their products without a tear shed OR a need unfulfilled. Scott, I won't be able to help you with the Coke withdrawal symptoms..., if you choose to accept the mission, too

Have a lovely weekend folks. I gotta get roll'in, before the snow flies again in Michigan.
And don't forget, global economics is just one big money, lovefest, eh?
Peace and Love.
Catch: How about 5 or 10 cent tax on drinkables, (booze & pop) to fund Medicare & such. I think I just heard someone screem !!!!!!!!!!
Have a good weekend,
OK, got to the bottom of the Mexican Coke bottle thingy. I visited the store again and know the mgr a bit. I asked her about this. It was determined that the bottle I purchased had the majority of a sticky, contents label missing. Other bottles that had the full label did indicate a MI, 10 cents deposit. So, all is well with this. Investor, Mexican Coke makes sense to me where you live; but I was surprised to find this in MI.
NOTE: the no return stamped on the bottle is related to Mexico, only.
End of the mystery.
OK, got to the bottom of the Mexican Coke bottle thingy. I visited the store again and know the mgr a bit. I asked her about this. It was determined that the bottle I purchased had the majority of a sticky, contents label missing. Other bottles that had the full label did indicate a MI, 10 cents deposit. So, all is well with this. Investor, Mexican Coke makes sense to me where you live; but I was surprised to find this in MI.
NOTE: the no return stamp on the bottle is related to Mexico, only.
End of the mystery.
You have now US domestic brand vehicles assembled in Mexico and Canada having 50% of parts imported from China, Japan and other far away lands.