SUBFX Last March, I put a chunk of change into SUBFX. It's my largest bond fund (my other two are RSIVX and MAINX.) It's been disappointing, pretty much even, about 3% below its category average and about 4% below its benchmark according to M* since I bought it.
That said, 15 months is a very short time on which to judge a fund, especially once whose past (before I bought it, alas) is so glorious. Its managers say they are not finding good values in the current market so are keeping a lot of cash and at least at times have been shorting Treasuries -- a bad bet, as it turns out.
Should I give up on this fund, swap into RSIVX, which has been slow and steady, just as promised, or into ARTFX, a new small fund with a great experienced manager? Or should I sit tight and be pleased that even though SUBFX's big bet -- that rates would rise -- has been wrong, it's still managed to stay pretty much even? It is bad that they got this bet wrong so far, but good that their risk controls have kept them from suffering too much for it.
A note: I don't keep a lot of cash in my portfolio, so I really want my bond funds to do well in a crash -- I don't want too much correlation with stocks.
DLTNX vs. DLFNX DLTNX achieved its returns with a lower Beta and has a higher 3yr Sharpe (though DLFNX's is none too shabby).
Is DLFNX you sole core bond holding? If not, care to add a little spice? ADBLX YTD= 5.54%
Actually, I don't want to add any more funds to the stable right now. DLFNX is my core domestic bond fund, yes. I also own
MAINX. Not disappointing in terms of the raw numbers, but M* compares it unfavorably with its so-called peers. However, I think the portfolio there is difficult to match with much else. Yes?
Also own PREMX. Also, MAPOX and PRWCX both own bonds, too.
PRWCX =18.8% of portfolio.
MAPOX = 9.1%
DLFNX = 2.47%
MAINX = 3.55%
PREMX = 4%
The all-bond funds are --- as shown --- is just 10.02% of portfolio these days. Thanks for the reply!
The Four Best Bond Funds To Own Now @rjb112 re. DODLX. Well, I've filled out the application, I haven't filled out da check. :)
Ex-date for this qtrly payer is June 26. So, whaddayathink? Lick the envelope & stamp, and send it out and get her going? Or give it another qtr of performance and reassess? Short putts with a perfect lay don't seem to be around anymore (huh? Did I just use a golfing metaphor, a sport I detest? what's going on?)
@expatsp I wasn't reading much of MFO earlier in the year, so thanks mucho for going into the "near archive" and pulling up that
MAINX factoid for me. I'm not unfamiliar with that fund--- or so I thought--- but apparently I missed
one very salient memo. Interesting.
But really, aren't these yet 2 more examples of the bizarro fxd-income world we jostle? I mean, if we had seen these positions in a bond fund 10 yrs ago, wouldn't we have noticed at least a slight rise in pulse and breathing rate? And now, we see them and notice, at most, a slight lifting of .... an eyebrow. It's soooo wacked!
The Four Best Bond Funds To Own Now MAINX is also short Treasury futures. David asked
MAINX's manager about it, who explained it as a hedging strategy to protect against a possible rise in interest rates in the US: imagine D&C Global Bond has the same idea, which is probably common. Since they have exposure to foreign debt in dollars, shorting treasuries actually makes this section of the portfolio less volatile, reducing the possible upside (if rates keep falling) and downside (if they finally start rising.
Fair enough, I say, and also the fine print is probably where it belongs. This fund (DODLX) is also on my radar, though I'm also considering TEI and TGTRX... Hasenstab really impressses me.
Don't Fear Risky Assets I bought MAINX at inception and still own it. No plans to sell. My perception is that the risk on HY is not much more than the risk on higher grade fixed income.
Is my perception reality? Do other investors have that same perception?
Finally, I have no fear of risky assets as long as they are balanced with less risky assets.