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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Good afternoon.
    A few of you have already noticed that Falcon's Eye is missing.
    Accipiter and I have been prepping for moving this site onto a new server. As part of that preparation, we're trying to clean up here.
    The Falcon's Eye feature seemed to be a target for web bots looking for vulnerabilities. Since the Falcon's Eye features are incorporated into The Navigator, we thought it would be more efficient (and improve performance) to just keep The Navigator.
    I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Search limit by date?
    Reply to @Accipiter: Thanks, I'll try that next time.
    TSP, thanks for the link; how did you find it?
  • error on multisearch?
    Reply to @Accipiter: Thanks guys.
    If you don't hear it enough, what you do is awesome.
  • error on multisearch?
    World bank loans I trust =).
    Thanks for catch...I'm know Accipiter will run to ground.
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @JohnChisum: I walked away yesterday and thought about it all night in order to get some perspective. I think there are two problems, both leading to people leaving the forum.
    First, as you suggest, and cman points out, the site design doesn't permit filtering of a large drop of topics so that discussions can be shunted to secondary pages and risk not being seen, especially by infrequent visitors. That being said, many users find value from link posts, and nothing should really discourage that. The solution seems to be some sort of filter like Accipiter suggests.
    Second, the author of most of those link posts takes offense when people question this. He then takes that out on people in really insulting ways. This trolling behavior has already driven some posters away from MFO, and limited a couple more people from posting as much as they used to.
    It's up to the Forum management to decide how to proceed, but the insults really are more than anyone should have to take on a conservative investment forum.
    My $.02
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @Accipiter: In order of preference: #3, #1, #4, #2.
    I don't really see a problem with a creating a new category, assuming people play nice and use it. I'm assuming the option to see all posts would still exist as it does now? That isn't creating any sort of ghettoized category, but just giving users a further customization/usability option. It also would enable those users who do find value in Ted's links a one-stop area, sort of like Charles' Balcony functions.
    I suppose adding a filter is also fine, but seems like more work for you and runs the risk of limiting some discussion, though you can always just turn the thing off. Ignoring doesn't solve the problem the OP brought up, and is something adults should be able to do on their own.
    And I, for one, think you and Chip do an incredible job managing MFO's technical side. Thanks.
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @Accipiter: Thanks, Accipiter. I wonder whether you'd like to start a new thread with a poll and a summary of choices?
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @Accipiter: Appellation, I'm impressed with you command of English. Your web hosting skills, that's another matter
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    This discussion is good because a hastily designed solution can be worse than the problem.
    But it seems like too many engineers, not enough product managers. :-)
    Let us step back from the solutions and look at problems being solved.
    Unfortunately, Ted or his link posts are seen as a problem by some. There is no technology solution to this other than an ignore button which I think is a very bad idea and sets precedent for discouraging discussions of all kinds of views as an unintended consequence. In most forums that implement this, the ignore becomes part of the argument to create cliques where people are encouraged to ignore what some don't like and so stifles views that are unconventional. At best, it creates echo chambers. In reality, this is just a form of hitting out at someone you don't like. Think about this very carefully before you implement. The solution is worse than the problem.
    For people suggesting solutions, please get over your views on Ted if you want a practical solution or spend a week searching and culling posts to see how much work that is.
    In my brief history here, I don't see this as a Ted problem but a usability problem that needs a technical solution.
    I can see the tension between posts with links not all of which result in discussions and posts that have broad discussions. The avalanche of new posts with links may seem to suddenly create an end to a discussion as if it is time to move on. It especially punishes people who may have spent considerable amount of time to write a thoughtful post or comment only to see it banished to archives (not the first page) quickly. It also prevents discovery of threads with multiple views or comments when it is "archived" quickly. I think we can all agree that this is A usability problem to solve without bringing Ted into the picture.
    This is not the first forum to have faced this problem. Reddit is probably the closest in terms of facing a similar problem while no two forums are alike. It has solved this with multiple tabs to filter by as you can see by visiting the site. News content sites also want to draw attention to latest news headlines while making articles that have an active discussion or are popular in some metric also be discoverable. Same problem at a high level. Most of these have converged over time to a multi tab display based on usage patterns NOT on tagging or categorization for some valid reasons.
    @Accipiter's solution has some engineering merit but often good engineering design is not necessarily the best product design. My issues with it is:
    It primarily tries to solve the usability problem by making it a Ted problem and "banishing" Ted to a different category. This will appeal to those with an antipathy to Ted but it will not work for the following reasons, not all of which are engineering reasons:
    1. Ted is not going participate by being "banished" as much as his detractors might like. No one would. How is the enforcement of Off Topic category working out? Not very well. Besides, you cannot come up with any objective criterion that would force that "banishment". What if he posts a link with a question in it? Is it in the Link category? If not, then every link post will come with a question attached however trivial. The point is, you cannot have a viable solution that diminishes Ted in any way as long as he is critical to the vitality of this forum. Deal with it.
    2. It solves a problem that isn't the central problem by making a weak assumption that I don't think is true. That people want to differentiate between discussions that arise from a link post and discussions that arise from a question posed. I could be wrong on this based on my own usage pattern, but I think the problem is really separating posts with discussion from posts that don't have any and making BOTH easily discoverable without one overwhelming the other. I don't think people care if a broad discussion came about from a link post or a question post. The tab solution and the link category differ in this very basic premise of the problem and I think you should arrive at a consensus of which problem you are trying to solve first.
    3. Even if the problem to be solved is separating links and link-based discussions from other discussions, then the empirical data from the forum shows it to be a weak one. My quick scan shows almost 75% of the posts with discussion arise from a link post, not necessarily a Ted post. So the solution wouldn't really filter effectively and the link category will have the same problem we have now being almost as big as the All threads category.
    @Anna's worries that threads without a follow up will not be found is a valid one but not a realistic one. It may seem realistic to those that view the solution as a way to avoid Ted but not otherwise. It is not some filter that will be the default and no one will see anything outside it. The user behavior will be the same as now with all discussions being the default but people can switch tab to see discussions with followups easily and participate without fear of that thread being archived quickly from an avalanche of new link posts.
    I respectfully suggest that some of you with strong feelings against Ted (and I am not saying they are wholly unjustified, he is what he is) not confuse this as a way to avoid Ted or to get at him in some way and look at the solutions by factoring that out.
    I don't have a personal solution to pitch. Just suggesting a solution that already exists for similar problems elsewhere and arrived at after much experimentation. No need to reinvent the wheel.
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @Accipiter& Other Geek Squad Members:: You better believe you don't make command decisions, now would you please get to work and allow more characters in the Title Box, and in the message text so I can highlight Copy & Paste articles. Regards,
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @Accipiter: I suggested the 'articles' or links category back in Dec. and I still think it is the best option, at least to try. Another "nice" option with that would be to be able to choose more than one category at a time. Have a little check box by the categories you want to view. Maybe you could click "all discussions" and be able to unclick the ones you don't want. Another nice would be if the category automatically changed to discussion if there was at least one comment.
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @Accipiter: I agree. The original idea has the problem that if most people ask for a list of all threads with at least 2 posts, few threads will get that second post. I suspect that once people realize this, they won't use a new filter button that filters one post threads. Anyway, if it is decided that a filter is needed, the new category would be excellent. People who don't want to filter these can continue to hit discussions. People who do can peruse the forum by category. In fact, with separate categories, the new idea has more merit because you could ask for link only threads with at least 2 posts.
    On the other hand, we are managing as is.
  • Feature request: A commented/discussed tab
    Reply to @Accipiter: "is this the problem too many "nothing in post but links" clogging up fund discussions when it isn't a fund discussion at all."
    An "Ignore" option would also be a huge bonus.
  • Site stopped working on Android Chrome browser
    Reply to @Accipiter: Three cheers for another successful fix from our very own MFO geek squad
  • Site stopped working on Android Chrome browser
    @Accipiter - Sorry for the delay in responding. Changing the lettering would be great, maybe to a dark blue? I've put CloudFlare into development mode which lasts for three hours. It should allow style changes to be immediately visible.
  • @Mike - Funds with Sequoia-Like Numbers
    Reply to @mrdarcey: Hi sir. Accipiter and Chip should be launching the new search engine soon! It will have all funds rated, more than 7500 and will be updated quarterly.
  • Error in Query: Request Timed Out
    I'd listen to Accipiter.
    The only way I could get the table to not appear was to disable JavaScript in Chrome. You do that by entering:
    Then, go to Settings in lower right of JavaScript panel.
    See if JavaScript Disable box is clicked:
    But I doubt it...
    Like Accipiter says, issue is likely connection speed.
    Sorry...this is stopgap until GOSE arrives!