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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • Don't bet the farm; keep investments simple, diversified: Buffett
    Ted - if that's the case you should also change your handles so that it matches here on MFO forum and other forums including M*. In fact there are several posters here who also do not have the same handle here and on other forums whether it be M*, Seekingalpha and others. You're going to ask everyone to change their handles?
    This is an investing forum and so what's wrong with "GlobalValue" contained in the handle? Should we have names such as Sweet_K_Bunny as if this was a Wordpress blog on Home cooking? Oh and now you're going to tell me that Accipiter is a real cool and awesome handle and so is Ginko and expat and Old_skeet and Crash and TheShadow and Catch22, etc. etc.
    Understandably on slow days - it's easy to fall into a state of mental masturbation.
    Look - accept the fact that 1-2% of posts may overlap with yours and don't break a sweat over it. With the volume of posts plus the fact that you just provided a link to Buffet's letter with no reference to it other than "Fortune Article" - can be easily missed...and yes I had overlooked it too.
    Hmmm...things are getting a bit too weird.
  • Post your migration problems and questions here
    @mona -
    do you realize that your browser will take you to the first comment that you have not read, when you click on a discussion that has new comments.
    does that help?
    I did not before! Thanks.
  • Post your migration problems and questions here
    It is not a migration issue as I experienced the same problem before the upgrade.
    The Great Owls Funds are not shown in IE 11 browser.
    At the end of the page I see a message "Your browser won’t work with iframes".
    Is it possible to fix that by configuring IE11?

    I don't use ie11 chip may have an idea.
    I did see this on the web. It may help.
    Tools --> Internet Options --> Security --> Internet Zone --> Custom Level --> Miscellaneous --> Launch programs and files in an IFRAME.
    I tried this in IE11 and I can't get it to work, even with changing the Security settings. The request just times out.
    Charles did warn that the page is optimized to work with Chrome. Unfortunately, for now, you'll have to use Chrome to access it, or just download the .pdf version. I'm sorry for that inconvenience.
  • Here we are!
    The fund ticker pop-up is not currently working in the discussion forum. We're aware of it, and Accipiter is working to fix it.
    they should be functional now.
  • Here we are!
    The fund ticker pop-up is not currently working in the discussion forum. We're aware of it, and Accipiter is working to fix it.
  • Discussion board will be offline Friday evening and into the wee hours Saturday
    Thanks to David and Chip and Accipiter for all their efforts. Look forward to the changes.
  • Discussion board will be offline Friday evening and into the wee hours Saturday
    Dear friends,
    MFO has two transitions underway. The first is to a new server. We'e moving from shared space on a Total Choice Hosting server to a virtual private server at Green Geeks. We believe that will give us better reliability since our fate won't be tied to the fate of dozens of other sites on that server, and also better technical support. It will also substantially reduce MFO's environmental impact. The second is to a new version of the Vanilla forums software. We've had several of these upgrades in the past three years. The new versions of the software are never fully compatible with the older ones, so the transition takes planning and care.
    Fortunately, we've got Accipiter and Chip on our side, so I'm in good spirits.
    The discussion board will be unavailable beginning Friday evening, while we transition to our new server. You should expect it to be available again some time on Saturday. You will likely have to log in again. There will be some changes in appearance, since the discussion software is a newer version. We'll post announcements with information about these changes, which you'll see once we've completed the transition. If you have any trouble accessing the new discussion forum, please email Chip at [email protected].
    Keeping a good thought,
  • Grandeur Peak Global Opportunities & International Opportunities Funds purchase changes
    Reply to @JohnChisum: It's only posting videos on technical question forums Accipiter has problems with. Though I think Kaspa's suggestion is a good one all around.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Reply to @Accipiter: Thanks a lot for your help and your decision to stay on.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    I would hope that this incident has brought on new appreciation for what Accipiter does behind the scenes, and with a dial up modem at that. A big thanks to Accipiter.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Thanks Accipiter for your efforts, sorry to see you go. Old_Skeet is correct, you will be missed and Crash is correct, it stinks.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    This reminds me of years ago when one student in the class misbehaved and the whole class got punished. I enjoy this site very much and find it beneficial as well as no doubt others do. I am very sorry to learn that the action of one has caused a most valued behind the scene principal to choose to leave. This saddens me greatly. I can only say ... Thanks Accipiter for all you have done and I can assure you, you will be missed by the community as a whole. I sincerely wish you the very best. And, know though sometimes alpha type people do things without much thought as to how their actions might effect others (in this casue you).
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Reply to @Accipiter: Thanks for everything and so sorry. I think you're being too hasty and wish you'd reconsider. But, I understand and respect your decision.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Reply to @Accipiter: With all due respect, I refuse to go on a guilt trip that I'm responsible for you leaving MFO. I hope you reconsider your decision and for what it's worth my sincere apology if I offended you.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Reply to @Accipiter: Adios, Accipiter, thank you for your good work for so long. I'm sorry you've had to deal so directly with this silly, juvenile mess.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Dear friends,
    I deleted the two recently attached videos, and I'm modestly surprised that they appeared in the first place. It seems to me that Accipiter made an entirely reasonable request, that folks not attach videos to technical threads. His argument struck me as reasonable - he's been our chief programmer and the fact that he works with a dial-up modem makes it near impossible for him to open threads with video clips, so folks should avoid attaching such recreational videos.
    I'm saddened that folks thought the appropriate response was to attach two more videos. We're in the midst of a major project - trying to transition the site to a virtual private server to help address serious stability and reliability concerns. I'll note that Ted himself has been pressing us to make such a change for more than a year. It's costly, complicated and frequently frustrating. The transition requires a fair amount of reprogramming and a lot of hours contributed by two highly skilled volunteers.
    And now it stops.
    I'm not sure quite what to do next. I'm modestly reluctant to try to find and educate a commercial programmer who might reasonably charge $40-60 an hour, especially since much of the programming needs to center on the discussion board software which was recently updated. We'll need to use the newer version on the new server, but it does not easily support much of the functionality that Accipiter (with Chip's support) managed to build into the current version. The two of them, on a sub-forum invisible to most folks, exchanged more than 100 notes as they inched things forward. There's much left to do.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Oh no Accipiter, Oh no! Thanks and thanks again. This just can't be happening. Makes me so upset.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Reply to @Accipiter: It is sad it has come to this. Warnings have gone unheeded. Thanks Accipter for your hard work and diligence. It has not gone unnoticed by most of us. All the best.
  • Falcon's Eye and other changes
    Reply to @Accipiter: I'm sorry that's what had to happen.
    Thank you for all the hard work and best of luck. You will be missed.