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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • Commentary Archives on the commentary page
    Reply to @Accipiter: The Japaneese date format YYYYMMDD would sort OK and would be human readable and would not require a computation.
    If these are kept in a SQL table, adding another column and apply a SORT BY would solve the problem very easily.
    I agree, I need to see the code to suggest a solid fix.
  • Chip, please fix the dimensions of the popup window.
    Hi, Investor.
    I'd uploaded the new fix a couple days ago, but we had a problem with it still reading old versions of the file. Accipiter had an idea for fixing it, which seems to have worked.
  • Chip, please fix the dimensions of the popup window.
    The contents of the popup is adjusted to fit much smaller area (I believe it is 360x240, @Accipiter may supply you the latest one). The popup dimensions is still 600x800. Please fix this as it looks rather ugly.
  • Falcon's Eye
    Reply to @Accipiter: "Empirical Research". Story of my life. Lucky that I haven't blown myself up already.
    Glad to have been of help... also check out your MFO mail for some other interesting stuff. Ciao/Chow...
  • Falcon's Eye
    Accipiter/OJ/et al,
    I recall MSN and/or some other sites that needed a "space" after the "comma" when entering a list of ticker symbols. I suspect this is site specific from programming features, but may have an affect for a particular browser being used with MFO. I recall OJ is using MAC and a version of Firefox.
    Just a few thoughts,
  • Falcon's Eye
    Reply to @Accipiter: My adding fund names with commas worked just fine. Only thing missing for the ones I quickly checked were the MFO links - all listings N/A and I know some of these funds have been referenced here. I know we can search directly here for these, but if not too much trouble it would be great to use Falcon's Eye for search results.
  • Falcon's Eye
    Reply to @Accipiter: Thanks so much for helping to create Falcon's Eye - I love it! I also really like ALL your suggestions listed above and hope they can be approved and implemented.
  • Proposal for a horizontal design in the mutual fund popup
    Hello, all.
    I'm back under power, and mostly caught up with my day job. I'll be happy to post new files as they become available. I've sent a note to Accipiter, so that I can make sure I've got his most recent version of each file before I upload it all.
  • Proposal for a horizontal design in the mutual fund popup
    Reply to @Maurice: The contents of the box was based on the original box. Yes, the font of fund name was bigger than the rest (as was in the original box). Accipiter took the idea and made some adjustments. I think it will be much more useful if Chip gets around to replacing it.
  • Proposal for a horizontal design in the mutual fund popup
    Hi Accipiter,
    Will check the messages....just returned home and supper prep next.
    ALSO, Investor; I too, really like the color palette above, for the linking. Very easy on the eyes and still gets one's attention.
  • Mobile devices
    I agree with Accipiter's note that we need a "tips" page. If anyone has the time and technical expertise to pull one together, I'd be delighted to work with Chip and Accipiter to get it edited, formatted and posted. With the start of the new school year and three new classes to teach, I've been mostly focused on my day job and having something useful to say once in a great while.
    The storm-drenched Chip and Accipiter have been working steadily behind the scenes and under the hood, and I'm deeply grateful for both their technical expertise and kindness in sharing it and their time.
  • David...Any chance of Adding LAST DATE Posted to Discussions View?
    Reply to @CathyG: Accipiter and Chip get all of the credit for technical improvements to the site, both on the board and in the body. Mostly I just pretend I understand, nod and offer encouragement.
  • David...Any chance of Adding LAST DATE Posted to Discussions View?
    Reply to @Accipiter: This could be something perhaps Vanilla users might find useful. They might incorporate the change into main line.
    Alternatively, perhaps it could be made as a Vanilla plug-in. Less intrusive and require less maintenance.
  • David...Any chance of Adding LAST DATE Posted to Discussions View?
    Reply to @Accipiter: I vote for a space between name and the date/time. Also, I think the size of font for title is too large. A slightly smaller font will save vertical space in the list as well and might help avoid some long titles to wrap to two lines (or perhaps the overflow should be cut in the forum list and no-wrap)
  • David...Any chance of Adding LAST DATE Posted to Discussions View?
    Reply to @Accipiter: One thing that would be really neat (for logged in users) is that the newer posts in the thread are indicated by an icon. The board software already knows if there is an unread post in a thread so it could indicate so with yellow "New" in the forum title listing. I often find myself hunting down which host is the new one on a long thread (like this one). The new ones could be in the middle. This will eliminate major major gripe about this board software.
  • Ping: Brad, Chip, bee, Techies...highlighted tickers inoperative in my posts, others OK !!!
    Now that is a heck of a statement from an Accipiter or a Falcon, eh? :)
    Thank you again, too; for your efforts.
    Eastern Standard Time at this house indicates I need to hit the pillow.
    Take care,
  • Ping: Brad, Chip, bee, Techies...highlighted tickers inoperative in my posts, others OK !!!
    Reply to @Accipiter: I am using Firefox 5.0 on Windows 7. IE 9 on Windows 7 and Safari 5.0 on OSX also has the exact same behavior. Firefox and IE are latest browsers.
    I've checked Firefox 3.6 on OSX and it was OK. But... I think I found the problem. If you look at the HTML generated br tag below is missing closing >. Firefox 3.6 is incorrectly displaying the popup link. Other more compliant and stricter browser are not.
    <br <a onclick="$.popup({}, '<iframe width=\'400\' height=\'300\' src=\'\'></iframe>')" class="autolink" title="Matthews Asia Dividend Fund Investor Class">MAPIX</a><br />
  • Ping: Brad, Chip, bee, Techies...highlighted tickers inoperative in my posts, others OK !!!
    Morn'in Accipiter, Investor and chip,
    With our funds boat weekly listing/write, I have always parked the ticker symbol list against the left margin and without a leading space. Around the first few days of August, a Funds Boat write was posted and all tickers were highlighted when parked against the left margin. Sometime after about Aug 4, this changed. I can not define the date, as we were away on vacation. Looking back to our earliest post here for the Funds Boat (April 4) and all other weekly posts since, one finds no tickers highlighted that are parked against the left margin. Whatever changed has also "looked" backwards to all of the earlier posts with the same effect.
    We use XP, w/ SP 2 and IE 8. We have not performed any updates/upgrades to these. As with FA and other sites, I do use the F5 refresh often. Also, the lack of highlighted tickers at the left margin per this discussion (below) is not affected by a full cleaning/delete of IE history, temp files, cookies or cache at our PC.
    Per the link just above to our current write from Saturday, I will note again that I did go back into the write via edit and add a space before each ticker a the left margin. This allowed the highlight. I then edited a second time and removed the leading space only from the FAGIX (first on the list) and the highlight is gone again for this ticker. I do not have a problem with placing the space in front of the tickers, when the list is at full left margin. But, others have, and will do the same in the future when asking questions or posting a similar list that is parked against the left margin.
    The feature and linkage via the ticker is a wonderful tool and undoubtly very much apprecitated by all. A recent post had 3 tickers in lower case, which I know do not highlight and this is okay. Posters will have to learn to do uppercase; and I am sure board members will remind folks about this feature, too.
    Accipiter, Investor and chip, and Brad, too. I sure as hell owe you a beverage, at the very least. If any of you have a PayPal account, you may contact me via the private contact link available here and I will indeed move some electronic money your way, as a means of my appreciation for your efforts with MFO.
    chip and Brad. Having planned to do this before and with this thread offering the opportunity; I do hope both of you are readers of MFO. I, of course; do not know your prior or present involvment with your own investments, BUT you have to be aware that you are involved with the premier funds investment board. You will obtain first hand knowledge here about fund investments that is a vast cumulative knowledge of experience. One would have to pick and dig through many books and/or sites to obtain this cumulative knowledge, and much of this would not necessarily be first hand experience; one of the greatest investment learning tools available.
    Don't be shy about contacting me privately with your PayPal name; as my offer is most sincere.
    Catch/Mark #2