Lots of good funds listed in this post, seems to me, but some can be very volatile.
Below is tabulation with emphasis on lifetime downside and drawdown performance. I broke into older and younger bunches, so not direct comparison over same period, just trying to get feel for up versus down.
First the older bunch, all living through 2008, sorted by Martin Ratio:
Next, younger bunch, from 2009, sorted by Sortino ratio (since we've basically not had much in way of drawdowns):
PONDX amazing of course. BPLEX, MAPIX, PRHSX, MACSX all have strong returns and good downside protection. Investor is right about extreme ER for Robeco's LS fund...high even for this already high category. I added WBLFX, which David
profiled this month...a tale of two funds.
See that PETDX was basically left for dead in 2009 with Max Drawdown MaxDD of -73%. I for one could probably not tolerate such a decline, even if it was "only" on paper. Ditto for MAPTX and PRNHX.
Please beware of RYOIX. It has the
highest Ulcer Index of any fund on list. Handle with care.
As for the younger funds,
MAINX continues to post impressive numbers. So does PGDIX. I added AQRIX, ARLSX, and COBYX to list.
I let out a sigh thinking about WBMIX. Unless things pick-up next week, April numbers will not look so good. If I remember, Mr. Redleaf has been shorting high yield bonds and he remains bullish financials. More on Whitebox later.