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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
  • MY Funds Had A Good Week
    For the single day on Friday, M* tells me that my particular mix was flat, standing exactly EVEN, compared to yesterday, Thursday.
    MAINX........... .49
    TRAMX.....................4.42 (share price tied 52-week high on Friday.)
    PREMX...... 1.49
    Break a leg, everyone.
  • Early September Buy/Sell/Brief Reasons (if you can)
    ...Not able to do much worth mentioning at the moment. Just added to MAINX and a great deal more to MAPOX...... The latter is doing better than the former, for sure. I have been, and remain, severely underweight in US equities and domestic bonds--- even after adding what I just added. MAPOX is balanced; my all-bond domestic fund is DLFNX. I started last year with it with just $3,000.00 and despite monthly dividends, it has sunk now to $2,929.00. I'll ride this out. My time-horizon is long-term.
  • Another Lousy Start for Bonds
    Reply to @MaxBialystock: MAINX? UP??? Must be a misprint... that one only goes down... hold on- let me check...
    HOLEY MOLEY!!! I made $4.00 on that sucker today!
  • Another Lousy Start for Bonds
    Right. My biggest bond position---PREMX--- was down today, as well as the much smaller holding, DLFNX. But my MAINX was up by .02 cents... I'm continuing to hold (and grow my share total) in PREMX in order to concentrate a meaningfully large monthly dividend from that source. Ever since I got into DLFNX, it's been sucking on sewage. But it's too soon to bail, and it's my only domestic bond fund. MAINX is due to pay me in mid-September again. And I just added to it, last week. With all the talk that THIS is the time to add to EM debt holdings, I guess I have ALREADY been sitting pretty--- I've been heavily overweight in PREMX since 2010, through up and downs.
  • Manage Fund Income Expections
    "Investors hoping for 5% to 6% yields in income-generating equity and bond funds will likely have to lower expectations over the long term..."
    Maybe so. I've seen one or two of my own have their yield drop, but then come up again a bit--- a result of lower SHARE prices.
    MAINX is getting close to 5%, at 4.68%
    PREMX is at 5.77% right now.
    Others wanna chime-in?
  • Final Portfolio Allocation Review
    13 funds, Heather, is a bit beyond what I'd want to bother taking the time to track and "babysit." Can you get this portfolio down to 8 or 9 funds? Spread out your money TOO much and you end up just diluting your profits. KISS it. Simplify:
    1. Domestic CORE, maybe a good balanced fund like MAPOX, mentioned above.
    2. Domestic small-cap (MSCFX? From the same shop: Mairs and Power)....Or TRP PRSVX.
    3. Domestic BONDS--- nothing longer than intermediate-term. DODIX, DBLTX. DLFNX.
    (keep your bond stake small for several more years. You have 20+ years to retirement. You want this animal to GROW. Make sure, when the mutual funds offer you the choice to take pay-outs or to RE-INVEST them, that you do the LATTER!)
    4. INTERNATIONAL, global: MAPIX, SFGIX (mentioned above, in your own note) and TBGVX.
    5. World bonds: MAINX.
    6. A small stake in EM bonds. No more than 3% or so of your total. Right now would be a perfect moment to buy-in because they are so depressed: PREMX, FNMIX.
    You can't hope to cover EVERY base. Later on you can get more complicated with various "sleeves." Make it more complicated than it needs to be and you end up chasing your own tail. -----"Max."
  • Gundlach: This Market Is Just 'Fear And Loathing': Yield On 10-Year Could Hit 3.10%
    No doubt, Metro West carries around a great reputation. I did jump in with "Dr. Gundlach," via DLFNX. He, like everyone else, is unable, alone, to control what goes on. I find him refreshingly candid, though. Like any other Fund Manager, he has a vested interest in where the Markets go. Among other things, he advises right now that investors add to EM bonds. I don't own DoubleLine's EM bond fund, run by Luz Padilla. Instead, I own PREMX and MAINX. Much more of the former, as opposed to the latter. But I just very lately did add to MAINX---- added approx. 0.88% of my total holdings. MAINX is now 3.66% of my total. PREMX = 37.65% of total. Reinvest, reinvest, reinvest all distributions. That's my chief source of money in order to add to what I've got, these days.
  • Early September Buy/Sell/Brief Reasons (if you can)
    I posted my recent changes in earlier threads/posts.
    Here is what I did today.
    Bought a small amount CEF(a CEF), and bought MSMLX with initial minimum.
    CEF is more of a speculation/trade. We were talking about EM being cheap even before this downturn, so it must be even cheaper now. Thinking of eliminating MAPIX (a very good fund), and slowly increase MSMLX as volatile funds are better when the trend reverses. I might loose much more before it reverses but ready to face it. Moreover, I already have SFGIX, though not an apple-to-apple comparison with MAPIX.
    With recent sales (PAUDX, VTIPX, PONDX, MAINX, HSFNX, etc), I am at 19% cash now.
    Pondering over where to invest that money.
    Hold 70% in my core funds; Some of them are held since 2005/06.
  • Had A Reasonable Day !
    DOWN -0.11% today. TRAMX dropped more than I've ever seen over the past year since I've owned it, down -0.94%.
    Bonds stood still (PREMX) or gained just a penny (DLFNX and MAINX.)
  • Outflows From Bond Funds Continue Rise, Hit $36.5B Trim Tabs
    I hate to follow the herd, so these words give me some satisfaction. Everybody and his cousin are yanking money out of bonds. I just bought shares in an existing position: MAINX, at the same share price where I originally bought in. In between, I'm getting the benefit of quarterly dividends, too. Delicious.... And the final mention: "So far this month, they have withdrawn $12.6 billion from U.S. stock mutual funds and ETFs...investors have lost enthusiasm for U.S. equities"....Ding! I just threw a big slug into MAPOX--- which holds both equities and bonds. ..."Be greedy when others are fearful."
  • Mutual funds. Buy,trade hold or sell?
    My "core" holdings, I don't suppose, are truly CORE funds, designed to be such.
    Long term holdings: MACSX since 2003
    However, I plan to stick with what I've got now, long-haul. That includes TRAMX, MAINX, SFGIX, DLFNX, MAPOX and MSCFX. I won't hold and hold for no reason, if the world is going all feces, but I don't pull the switch-eroo very often at all.
  • Green Screen Today !
    Lucky you. My own was mixed. MAINX and PREMX were hammered down again today. Over the past weeks, SFGIX has taken a beating. Down today as well, And DLFNX.
    UP: MAPOX, MSCFX, MAPIX, MACSX (---Barely a penny.) And TRAMX was up, too.
  • Scott - Where's your thread "Where are you investing now"?
    I made quite a few changes in the last few weeks. In spite of number of changes, they are all on Satellite kind of funds. My core funds still remain the same.
    In the Chronological order
    Act 1: Sold PRSNX, and used the proceeds to add to FPACX, SGFIX and ARIVX
    Act 2: Bought VASVX and added to VFSTX with Rolledover money. Sold VTIPX here. Still some cash left.
    Act 1: Sold PONDX, HSFNX , MAINX, and reduced PRHSX
    Act 1: Bought OAKEX; Still cash left due to above sales.
    Act 3: Invested in SUBYX few days back and sold PAUDX today. Have to see what to do with PAUDX money.
    Made over 60% in PRHSX (sold amount equals prinicipal and profit remains now), and HSFNX.
    Small profit: PRSNX
    The real loss is in PCRIX, which I am keeping it as I have yet to decide whether this should be part of my Core or Satellite.
  • Mom-And-Pop Investors Bolt Emerging Markets
    Got it. I misunderstood Ted, above. Well, well, well. What we have heard repeated over and over again is the same in this case, too. Mom and Pop are too chicken to hang on through bad days, and sell at all the wrong times. I just threw some money at two of my funds. The smaller portion of it went to MAINX. Falling, falling lately, and tonight, it's a penny below where I first bought it. (MAPOX is up mightily today, along with other small-caps. I hope something gloomy gets everyone's attention on the day they cash my check, driving that share price down! ;) )
  • Just added to my stakes in.....
    I am staying with my EM holdings. I am confident of MAPTX as well as MAPIX and MAINX in that I plan to rebalance profits when the nav's recover.
  • Just added to my stakes in.....
    Reply to @Skeeter: Hello. I'd been hanging onto some "new" cash that came to me from a bond that matured, back on 01 July. The shape of my portfolio has, it seems, always been primary for me, rather than timing. What I knew for sure was that I was seriously underweight in USA large-caps. MAPOX has risen quite nicely since I bought it originally, in the Spring of 2012, but lately there's been just a bit of a fall in the share price. Anyhow, I do none of this instantaneously. It's done the old fashioned way, by check. Even after adding that sizable chunk to MAPOX, I'm still very much underweight in USA large-caps. What it is is what it is, for the time being. I'm still not taking distributions from my retirement accounts, yet. MAPOX is in a Trad. IRA. ....And the chunk I put into MAINX is likewise in a Trad. IRA....So the simple tax deduction on my 1040 form for 2013 was a big motivator. ...I first bought MAPOX at $68.05 and yesterday it was at $77.35. As for MAINX: I first bought it at $10.16 and it did well, but has fallen back to $10.24. So, I looked at it as a good buying-moment. ......I also own TRAMX, in the Frontier Markets sector, and do not want to add anything there. It's still less than 4% of my total, and that's a big enough proportion for me. It has pleased me very much!
  • Just added to my stakes in.....
    MAINX Matthews Asia Strategic Income (bond) fund, and exactly five times MORE into MAPOX, Mairs and Power Balanced. The Market stinks lately, but it was a glorious evening at the ballyard under a "blue moon." I cherish these summer nights, enjoying my favorite game.
  • What funds are up for the day?
    16th August, 2013---Friday:
    No Change: MAINX. (This fund is doing a very good job, I think, of not dropping so far and so fast as other bond funds through the current ongoing downtrend. In fact, there have lately been a great many days in this fund with NO CHANGE.)
    .......So, on the day: I was DOWN by -0.03%.
  • Going to be interesting today...
    Hi, Hank.
    Agreeing with you. The lion's share of my bonds, it so happens, are in EM: PREMX. Less than 3% of total portfolio in DLFNX, with uncle Jeffrey. Still reinvesting all profits. Come to think of it, I own MAINX, too. It's been unremarkable, lately. That's a good thing, I think--- rather than to be falling in value quite a bit, like so many others---including PREMX. ...MAINX = 2.77% of total, here.
  • Particular question re: interpreting the numbers
    It's been a while, so I just Instant X-Rayed my stuff using the M* tool. The results show my portfolio's YIELD at 4.22%. The comparison number, for the S&P 500 shows 2.27........ Does that mean my yield is 2.27 TIMES the S & P 500 yield?
    Otherwise: two-thirds of my equity holdings are in Asia. (I never did get afflicted with the home-country bias!) That includes Japan, Asia Dev. and Asia Emerg... My USA equity portion is up to 9% now. Total for North America = 17.07%. UK = 3.15%....And Africa/Middle East is at 4.44%..... What I hold in continental Europe is negligible. I'd love to have the wherewithal to throw some money at Europe right about now.
    Cash 2%
    Equities 52%
    Bonds 44%
    "other" 2%